Book Creation Packages

Helping you on your author journey – from first word to book on the bookshelf

Book Creation Packages

The Author's Journey - A book to guide you on your journey to becoming an Author

The Author’s Journey – a useful guide on how to write and publish your book – Due out Autumn 24

Whilst you can take the time to learn how to write a book yourself, it is made easier when you find the right advice at the right time. Understanding how to write a book as a first time author is important as you can waste time and money. Getting it wrong can cause you frustration, stress, and most important, customers and lost sales. Why take one step forward, six steps back when you can learn how to write a book before you start writing?

Ask for the advice and guidance at the start of your writing and book creation journey.  Writing a book can be tough, it is easier when you take the time to learn how to write a book.

This book will:-

  • Take you through 12 steps that will help you get your book done
  • Avoid the unnecessary mistakes that first time authors make, saving you stress, time and money!
  • Help you to break the book creation journey down into bite-size, manageable tasks
  • Provide you with a book creation process that flows from one step to the next. 
Book Kick-Starter - £100.00

Book Kick-Starter Q & A – Ask as many questions as you like to help you learn the what, how, when and where of getting your book on the shelf for sale

  • 1 hour with the Book Mentor
  • This time gives you the chance to get help, advice and guidance from me, the Book Mentor. It may be that you are stuck on a book idea, title or chapter. You might want help on how to find and source an illustrator. You might be overwhelmed and want help to get going on your writing. Wherever you are on the book creation stage, this time will help you to ‘kick-start’ your journey to getting your book done. I’ll also answer any further questions that you might have once the hour is over. We always think of something else right? 

    Book Structure Session - £200.00

    Book Structure Session – 

    • A copy of the book – The Author’s Journey – containing advice, guidance and 12 steps to writing, self publishing, marketing and then selling your book
    • 2 hours with the Book Mentor.
    • A book structure and a clear framework for your writing
    • A written report outlining your idea, thoughts, content, chapters and book title

    I  jump on the book writing bus and work alongside you to get your book started.  This package will give you the tools and motivation to gain momentum.  Think of it as the ‘snowball’ effect.  Once it starts rolling, there’s no stopping it.  You’ll get me to support, nudge, cajole and motivate you to get that book started. You talk, I write. You ‘Brain-Dump’. This is where you get to put ‘flesh on the bones’ of your book. You share your idea, your thoughts, characters, content ideas. Together we work through a process to align your book and at the end of the session, you will  have clarity, chapter headings, a book title and the spine of your book from which the content and words will flow. I provide you with a document which captures everything that we covered in our two hour session. All you have to do then is to fill the gaps with your writing. Once you have started writing you can always book additional time with me if you get stuck.

    Write Your book - please get in touch - pricing depends on wordcount and level of book mentoring required

    Write Your book  

    This package includes everything to support you in writing your book.
    Book Start to Book End support by phone, online or face to face to a
    schedule that works best for you.

    You will also get advice and guidance on the next steps for your book –
    specifically editing, typesetting, proof reading, cover design and getting
    your writing ebook and print ready. 

    Offering you a service that offers a ‘One Stop Shop’ approach to getting your book done. 

    You will get:-

    • A signed copy of the ‘How To Write A Book’ book
    • Concentrated, doubled-down support and guidance from me and the Publishing Consultant
    • Direct contact with me throughout your book writing journey
    • Support, guidance and accountability to keep you going and get the writing job done
    • Advice and expertise from the Publishing Consultant 
    • Your chapters checked to ensure consistency
    • An ‘edit’ as you write service 
    • Everything in the Book Kick Starter is also included with this price
    • VIP pass onto the Publishing Consultant ‘Book Creation’ packages**
      These are offered through The Book Writers Resource Ltd which I run with my business partner – David Hambling, Publishing Consultant. 

    *Based on 35,000 words – Pricing depends on book type and word count

    **Please contact me for more details, timings and availability

    *Additional services that cover the A – Z of book creation can be offered once your book is ready to publish. (Proofreading, typesetting, cover design, ISBN and book registration, e book conversion, support with loading your book to Amazon and Kindle). Please contact me for more details.

    How To Write My Book – FAQ’s

    You’ve finally decided ‘I am going to write my book’. Congratulations!
    But I know what you are thinking. How do I write my book?

    FAQ’s –

    Is my idea for a book any good?

    This depends on who your audience is. Who will want to read your book once it’s done? Is it a ‘vanity’ or ‘legacy’ project. It’s never all about the money. Consider how you will benefit. What will it do to your confidence, your feeling of satisfaction, your bank balance?

    Where do I start with writing my book?

    Start with creating a writing habit. Brainstorm your ideas, use a mind-map, use an app to record your ideas. Get writing, get going and keep on writing until you’ve finished.

    How much will it cost to publish my book?

    This depends. Is your book a picture book (factor in the price of artwork if you are going to use an illustrator), is it a fiction book (factor in wordcount as editors, proofreaders and typesetters generally work on wordcount when they price a job). How much time and effort are you going to spend on it. How much money are you prepared to invest in professional help to get your book created and how much are you going to spend on marketing your book?

    How do I find the right people to help me write, edit, proof-read and publish my book?

    Google is a good place to start in terms of research. Find out what actually goes into creating a book. Understand why it’s critical to trust a professional with your work rather than that person you know who’s good at English!  Finding the right person to help you at the key stages is critical. Check every one of them out before you part with any hard earned money. Word of mouth, testimonials and get to know, like and trust those you are about to enter a professional contract with. Work with local people – it’s easier to have those difficult conversations or get problems fixed when you can meet for a coffee. Yes some of those services you can buy outside your country may be cheaper but will you be buying cheap but paying twice (and more?). Friends and family may want to support you but how invested will they be to make sure your book is ‘word-perfect’ and what’s the recall and how challenging will it be for you if they get things wrong? Chances are you won’t want to have that conversation, risk a friendship or a family relationship. You are becoming an Author. Treat it as you would any other contractual, business arrangement. And last but not least – have a budget as you will have to spend some money on your book baby. 

    What do I put on the cover of my book?

    Again, this is all about research before you decide on a book cover. What types of book do you pull off the bookshelf? What makes you want to buy a book? Who is your ideal audience? What do your competitors do with their covers? What do the best-seller book covers look like? My advice would be to use a professional publishing book cover design expert. Setting aside a budget for this at the outset is important. I’d also recommend you set aside a budget for the edit, typeset and proofread. 

    What price do I charge for my book once it’s done?

    Research. What do your competitors charge and how much is your ideal reader willing to pay to read your book?

    Should I put my book on Amazon / Kindle / Other self-publishing platforms?

    This is entirely up to you. My advice for a first time author is that yes, Amazon is a good place to put your book. Having a series is a good idea and if you create a following of readers, it’s easier to sell your 2nd, 3rd and series of books to an audience that you have built up. It takes time. Once you have a following you can consider whether or not to put your book on your own website and sell direct. But then you will have to consider how much stock you are willing to hold and how much time, effort and money you have to carry out all of the associated admin tasks. Whilst Amazon does take a healthy cut of any book sale, it also does a lot of the legwork for you.

    Where am I going to sell it and how do I sell it?

    Consider the answers to the question of where to hold your book. In addition, whilst learning to be an Author, you will also have to learn a number of other things, including how to use social media, how to market and how to sell your book.

    How do I find an illustrator and how much do they charge?

    This depends. You can ask your children to draw the images if it’s a picture book. You can ask friends, local schools or art colleges and universities if there are students who would like to work with you to create the images for your book. There are websites with a range of illustrators and artists all over the world who offer out their services online. My advice : buyer beware. Do your due dilligence. I like to work with illustrators who are known, local and who I can pick up the phone to or meet for a coffee.

    Do I self publish or do I go for traditional publishing?

    Again, this is up to you. There’s nothing stopping you from doing both.

    The list of questions that you have to get answered when you write your book can be endless but you’ve made the decision to get going and now it’s time to stop thinking, start writing and take those steps to becoming a published author.

    There are a few steps along the way to finally holding your book in your hands, seeing it online, but the most significant step is the one that you have already taken. You’ve taken the first step and have started writing.

    If you’d like help with how to write a book or the self-publishing process, please get in touch!