How To Write A Book
De-mystifying the Art of Writing and Self-Publishing
De-mystifying the Art of Writing and Self-Publishing
You have decided to write your book but recognise that expertise is needed to turn your writing into a fully finished book. Whilst you can do it all on your own, you haven’t got time to waste. It will take too long and what you really want to do is to dive in and just write it. You get to enjoy the writing process, knowing that you have the support you need to get the other tasks done. That’s where the support of someone who is already an author and who understands the writing and the self-publishing process will help you. You get to enjoy the writing process, knowing that you have the support you need to get the other tasks done.
The mistakes that a first-time author can make are the same, irrespective of the type of book that they are creating. When you set out writing your first word, you must consider:-
• Your book business plan
• Your book budget
• A Project plan with a clear start and end date
• What you can do yourself
• When you really must get external expertise
• The difference between an editor and a proof-reader
• Why the editing process can take so long
• Your resilience when the project plan takes longer than you at first thought
You recognise that expertise to write your book is needed. That’s where the support of someone who is already an author and who understands the writing and the self-publishing process will help you to kick-start your writing. They will help you to get your book written and self published to a professional standard that will give additional credibility to you, your business and will help the book to sell better. In short, they’ve made the mistakes so that you don’t have to.
Whilst there will be a cost to your book, getting your budget set, ahead of the book being launched is a wise investment. You will want to allocate funds for things such as the edit, the typeset and the proofread as a very minimum. There’s nothing worse than finally launching your book, only to have the feedback and reviews, telling you about silly typos and grammar errors. Pay once now or twice (and more later), if the book has to come back in for a re-edit.
Get in touch for a ‘One Stop Shop’ approach to writing and self-publishing your book
Although you might not want to hear this, writing your book is the easy bit. As you write your first word, there’s a whole bunch of tasks to consider to ensure that your book will sell. Treat your book as a ‘business’. It will require planning, budgeting, marketing and there’s lots to think about, e.g. a business plan, your book launch, book structure, how best to market it, launch it and then sell it once it’s done. Working with someone who has been through every step of the writing and self publishing process will mean that they made the mistakes so that you don’t have to. This will save you time, effort, money and stress, leaving you free to focus on your writing.
Whilst you can take the time to learn how to write a book yourself, it is made easier when you find the right advice at the right time. Understanding how to write a book as a first time author is important as you can waste time and money. Getting it wrong can cause you frustration, stress, and most important, customers and lost sales. Why take one step forward, six steps back when you can learn how to write a book before you start writing?
Ask for the advice and guidance at the start of your writing and book creation journey. Writing a book can be tough, it is easier when you take the time to learn how to write a book.
This book will:-
This time gives you the chance to get help, advice and guidance from me, the Book Mentor. The how, when, what, where, who questions that will help plug the gaps in your knowledge. Writing the book is the start – there are many things to learna and many pitfalls and pot-holes that you can fall into. Take 30 minutes to help plug those gaps – it’ll save you time, angst and money.
It may be that you are stuck on a book idea, title or chapter. You might want help on how to find and source an illustrator. You might be overwhelmed and want help to get going on your writing. Wherever you are on the book creation stage, this hour will help you to ‘kick-start’ your journey to getting your book done.
If you decide to work with me on your book, the payment for this session will be knocked off the book package price when we start working together.
Get started today!I jump on the book writing bus and with you and work alongside you to get your book started. This package will give you the tools and motivation to gain momentum. Think of it as the ‘snowball’ effect. Once it starts rolling, there’s no stopping it.
You’ll get me to support, nudge, cajole and motivate you to get that book started. You talk, I write. You ‘Brain-Dump’. This is where you get to put ‘flesh on the bones’ of your book. You share your idea, your thoughts, characters, content ideas. Together we work through a process to align your book and at the end of the session, you will have clarity, chapter headings, a book title and the spine of your book from which the content and words will flow.
I provide you with a document which captures everything that we covered in our two hour session. All you have to do then is to fill the gaps with your writing. Once you have started writing you can always book additional time with me if you get stuck.
If you decide to work with me on your book, the price of this session will be knocked off the book package when we start working together.
Get started today!This package includes everything to support your to get your book written. This includes easy access to me to keep your book project on track and get you from book Start to Book End. This will include guidance from me with access to the book publishing consultant on the next steps for your book pre-final edit Typesetting and Book Cover Packages.
You will get:-
*Please contact me for more details, timings and availability
Get started today!*This package iwill include Proofreading, typesetting, cover design, ISBN and book registration, e book conversion, support with loading your book to Amazon and Kindle, along with some Marketing guidance and support). Please contact me for more details.